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What is Concrete petrography? 

Concrete petrography is the microscopic examination of concrete components to identify materials and assess structural integrity. It involves analysing aggregate types, binder properties, and any additions or defects within the concrete, using specialized microscopy techniques to determine mineralogical and chemical characteristics. 

How does Concrete petrography work? 

Concrete petrography employs a sophisticated combination of optical microscopy techniques to explore and evaluate the microstructural characteristics of concrete. This scientific methodology involves several critical steps, starting with the meticulous preparation of concrete samples. Thin sections are carefully created from collected core samples to ensure a representative analysis of the concrete's composition. During preparation, these sections may be impregnated with resin to preserve their integrity and enhance visibility under the microscope. 

The analytical prowess of concrete petrography is significantly amplified through the application of various microscopic techniques. Polarized light microscopy is a cornerstone method, leveraging polarized light to distinguish between different minerals and phases within the concrete based on their optical properties. This technique allows for the detailed observation of aggregate types, cement hydration products, and any secondary materials present​​. 

Additionally, concrete petrography utilizes fluorescent dyes to accentuate specific features within the concrete matrix. These dyes can bind selectively to certain phases or constituents, providing a stark contrast under ultraviolet (UV) light and highlighting areas of interest that may not be readily apparent under standard lighting conditions. 

Optical microscopy in concrete petrography is not just limited to visual examination; it integrates the understanding of the material's response to different lighting conditions, including normal, ultra-violet, and polarized light, to identify and assess defects, porosity, water-to-cement ratio, and cracking. Through these advanced techniques, petrographers can detect signs of deterioration such as alkali-silica reaction (ASR) products, freeze-thaw damage, and chemical attack, making concrete petrography a powerful tool for diagnosing the health and durability of concrete structures. 

What is Concrete petrography for? 


How do I carry out Concrete petrography? 

Various standards documents and best practice guides for concrete petrography have been released such as BS 1881-211:2016,  ASTM C856/C856M-20, or APG-SR2 from the Applied Petrography Group. A simple step by step procedure based on these is presented below: 

  • Identify sampling locations that represent both the deteriorated and relatively intact sections of the structure. 

  • Use a diamond-tipped core drill to extract cylindrical cores (75-150 mm diameter), ensuring the diameter is at least three times the maximum aggregate size and the length is at least twice the diameter. 

  • Place cores in sealed polyethylene bags to minimize drying effects and label them with details of the extraction location and date. 

  • Slice a portion of the core to produce thin sections. The slices are mounted on slides and ground to a thickness that allows for light transmission and detailed examination under a microscope. 

  • Utilize optical transmission microscopy, employing both polarized light and normal illumination, to identify concrete constituents, assess porosity, and detect cracks or deterioration products. 

  • Apply different microscopic techniques, such as fluorescent dye staining, to highlight specific features or defects.

  • Compile a detailed report documenting the observed microstructural characteristics, identified defects, and their potential impact on the concrete structure's integrity and durability. 

  • Provide recommendations based on the findings for repair, maintenance, or further monitoring of the structure. 

What equipment and expertise are required for Concrete petrography? 

Equipment required for petrography includes: 

  • A diamond-tipped core drill for extracting cylindrical core samples from concrete structures. 

  • An optical microscope capable of feature identification < 5µm and equipped with polarized light and UV illumination capabilities. 

  • A diamond saw, grinding wheels, and polishing laps for preparation of thin section samples. 

  • Fluorescent dyes for staining thin sections to enhance visibility of specific features. 

  • Sealed polyethylene bags for storing and curing extracted cores. 

Significant expertise in both microscopy and the chemistry, microstructure and common defects  of concrete is required to carry out petrographic analysis. Sample preparation is difficult, skilled work and assessment of what visual features mean in terms of the durability and performance of concrete requires high level expertise not commonly available outside of specialist laboratories.

What are the advantages of Concrete petrography? 
  • Petrographic analysis provides an in-depth examination of concrete's composition, revealing critical details about aggregate types, cement hydration, and the distribution of constituents.  

  • It helps identify the phases of concrete components and their conditions, crucial for understanding the material's behaviour​​. 

  • The test is essential for assessing concrete quality, petrography evaluates mixing, compaction, curing processes, and the presence of voids, ensuring compliance with standards and specifications​​. 

  • The technique excels in identifying concrete defects such as cracks, voids, and signs of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) or other deterioration mechanisms, allowing for targeted remediation strategies​​. 

  • Direct observation of aggregates, cement matrix, and any mineral additions or fibres in the concrete provides a clear picture of the material's composition and potential performance​​. 

  • Petrography assesses factors affecting durability, including the identification of harmful reactions and the evaluation of freeze-thaw resistance, crucial for longevity predictions​​. 

What are the disadvantages of Concrete petrography? 
  • The technique's effectiveness relies heavily on the petrographer's skill and experience, introducing subjectivity and potential variability in analysis outcomes​​. 

  • Achieving accurate and reliable results depends on obtaining a representative sample. A non-representative sample may lead to misleading assessments of the concrete's overall condition​​. 

  • Petrographic analysis can be time-consuming and requires meticulous preparation and examination of samples, potentially delaying project timelines​​. 

  • This test is expensive and requires specialised laboratories and equipment. 

How accurate is Concrete petrography? 

Optical transmission microscopy (OM) is a precise tool used in petrography for observing concrete's microstructure, with a resolution limit around 0.2 µm under ideal conditions. This resolution enables the detailed analysis of concrete deterioration mechanisms such as ettringite or thaumasite formations from sulphate attack, which often manifest in sizes ranging from a few µm to several tens of µm in diameter. Alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) gel, another common deterioration product, typically forms in thin layers at the aggregate-paste interface, which are well within the observable range of OM. 

The best optical microscopes available, equipped with high numerical aperture objectives and using near-ultraviolet light, can push the resolution close to the theoretical diffraction limit, allowing usable images to be created at up to 1500x magnification. This level of detail is sufficient for identifying even the finest microcracks, which can be less than 1 µm wide, and other microstructural changes indicative of early or advanced stages of concrete deterioration. 

For concrete analysis, this resolution allows for the identification and differentiation between various types of deterioration mechanisms based on their unique microstructural signatures. OM serves as a critical tool in the petrographic analysis of concrete, offering the high resolution necessary to detect, identify, and evaluate the microstructural indicators of concrete deterioration, and ensuring compliance with relevant standards and guidelines. 

What are the limitations of Concrete petrography? 
  • Identifying specific chemical admixtures through petrography can be challenging, as their presence may only be inferred indirectly through the properties they impart to the concrete.

  • While providing insight into the concrete's microstructure, petrography may not fully reveal the connectivity and distribution of pores within the concrete matrix, which are vital for understanding permeability and durability. 

  • No standards provide an accepted petrographic method for measuring water to cement ratio. 

  • Petrographers can struggle to differentiate between cement blends. 

  • Petrographers can’t identify who added water to a re-tempered mix or determine why air was lost between the plant and the jobsite. This will require further investigation. 

Ancillary information 

Maturity of test: > 10 years 

Qualification & interpretation : Specialised lab 

Service disruption: No 

Preliminary works: No 

Time consumption     Low (< one hour) 

Cost                        High  

Access to element 1 face 


References and further information 


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