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What is Modulus of Elasticity testing? 

Modulus of elasticity testing on concrete cores assesses concrete stiffness and deformation under load, crucial for structural evaluation.  

This test determines the concrete's ability to bear various loads, providing insights into structural health and potential damage levels by analysing the stress-strain relationship from compression tests. 

How does Modulus of Elasticity testing work? 

The principle behind modulus of elasticity testing of concrete cores involves initially applying a basic stress (0.5 N/mm2) to the specimen, then gradually increasing this stress to one-third of the concrete's previously measured strength.  

Strains at various loadings are recorded. The modulus of elasticity is calculated by dividing the stress difference (between the basic and upper stress levels) by the corresponding strain difference. This process quantifies the concrete's stiffness or elasticity, indicating how it deforms under stress, essential for understanding structural behaviour under load.

What is Modulus Of Elasticity testing used for? 


Deterioration process 


Control of repairs 

Internal microcracks 
Deterioration of interfaces 


How do I carry out Modulus Of Elasticity testing? 

In the UK the main standard to which MOE testing is carried out is BS EN 12390-13:2021. Based on this a simple test procedure is laid out below: 

  • Use coring to remove sample from a concrete structure or specially cast specimens, ensuring they meet size and shape requirements as per BS EN 12390-13:2021. 

  • Apply a basic stress of 0.5 N/mm² to the specimen. 

  • Incrementally increase the stress to one-third of the specimen's previously measured compressive strength from 2:1 cores, preferably 150x300mm. 

  • At each loading, the strain experienced by the specimen is recorded by the test device. 

  • Divide the stress difference (basic to upper stress) by the corresponding strain difference. 

  • Analyse the recorded strains and calculated modulus for insights into the concrete's structural health. 

  • Report your results including the specimen's identification, test date, age, shape, dimensions, stress-strain data, and the calculated modulus of elasticity. 

This approach assesses concrete's stiffness and deformation characteristics, crucial for structural evaluation and ensuring compliance with standards. 

What equipment and expertise are required for Modulus Of Elasticity testing? 

BS EN 12390-13:2021 specifies the test equipment for MOE testing of concrete. The test requires a compressive strength test machine that meets BS EN 12390-4:2019 with some additional requirements such as the ability to use programmable loading cycles, increase and decrease the load at a constant rate within specified tolerances, maintain a constant load with a maximum variation of ±5%, and be calibrated as Class 1 to BS EN 12390-4 within the test range.  

Test samples are typically cored from existing structures or cast in a lab for testing with 150x300mm cylindrical specimens recommended.  

A minimum of three strain gauges such as Compressometer / Extensometers are required to accurately measure the cylinders deformation under load.  


A multifunctional control and analysis console is often used to collect stress/strain data (deformation, force applied, area of test cylinder), plot the curve as shown in Figure 2 and calculate the MOE.  

All in one devices that combine the equipment described above such as the Automax Pro M are also available to streamline the testing and analysis process.  

What are the advantages of Modulus of Elasticity testing? 
  • Provides most accurate predication of structural behaviour by precisely assessing concrete's elasticity and how the structure will respond to stress and load, crucial for safety and design optimization. 

  • Offers deep insight into concrete quality and composition, essential for assessing durability and the potential for future issues. 

  • Helps detect and quantify hidden damages or weaknesses in concrete, critical for maintenance planning and avoiding catastrophic failures. 

What are the disadvantages of Modulus of Elasticity testing? 
  • Core extraction can compromise structural integrity, requiring careful consideration of locations and subsequent repairs to avoid weakening the structure. 

  • Requires specialized laboratories, equipment and expertise, making it quite expensive and time-consuming. 

  • Results only reflect the condition of the specific locations sampled, which might not represent the entire structure's state, necessitating strategic sampling to mitigate this issue. 

  • The extraction process leaves voids that need filling, which can be difficult to match with the original concrete, impacting aesthetics and potentially strength. 

What are the limits of Modulus of Elasticity testing? 
  • In structures with historical or architectural significance, taking cores could compromise structural integrity, aesthetic appeal or historical authenticity.  

  • Structures with embedded systems electrical, plumbing, or mechanical systems, may also be unsuitable for coring without risking damage to these systems. 

  • The process of coring and testing can pose safety risks, especially in deteriorated or hazardous structures. Environmental and safety precautions are necessary to manage hazards associated with coring, including dust control, asbestos protection and structural stability during and after core extraction. 

  • Testing provides information only about the specific locations from which cores are taken, potentially missing variations in materials or conditions across the structure.  

  • Holes left from coring must be repaired ensuring that these areas are as strong and durable as the rest of the structure. 

  • The process of core extraction, testing, and subsequent repairs can be costly and time consuming. In some cases, the financial implications may outweigh the benefits, especially for large-scale or complex structures where extensive sampling is necessary. 

  • The accuracy of the test results heavily relies on the expertise of the personnel conducting the tests. The need for specialized equipment and knowledge can limit the availability of testing, especially in regions or contexts where such resources are scarce. 

  • The condition of the concrete, including moisture content and temperature, can significantly affect test results. Testing specimens that are not representative of the structure's typical state can lead to inaccurate assessments. 

  • The act of coring itself can compromise the structural integrity of the concrete, especially in critical or already weakened areas. This is a significant concern in load-bearing elements or in structures where redundancy and load paths are not well defined. 

Ancillary information 

Maturity of test: > 10 years 

Qualification & interpretation : Specialised lab 

Service disruption: No 

Preliminary works: Yes 

Time consumption     Medium (one day) 

Cost                        Medium 

Access to element 1 face 


References and further information 

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