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What is Portlandite content testing? 

Portlandite content testing assesses carbonation potential of concrete offering a critical evaluation of concrete's resilience against environmental deterioration by measuring Portlandite (Ca(OH)2) levels. 

Low portlandite contents indicate that carbonation has already begun and that the portlandite produced during cement hydration is being turned into calcium carbonate. 

How does Portlandite content testing work? 

Portlandite content testing utilizes thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) for precise measurement of portlandite levels in concrete by monitoring weight loss from portlandite dehydration within a defined temperature range. 

What is Portlandite content testing used for? 


Deterioration process 


Control of repairs 



How do I carry out Portlandite content testing? 

A simple procedure to determine portlandite content using TGA analysis of powdered concrete samples includes the following steps: 

  • Identify and mark sample collection points on the concrete structure to ensure representative analysis. 

  • Extract concrete samples using a core drill, minimizing structural damage and sample contamination. 

  • To minimize carbonation effects, it is recommended that samples should be adequately labelled and sealed immediately after coring by wrapping and storing in sealed polyethylene bags.  

  • Taking core samples to laboratory, break the extracted samples into smaller pieces, then grind them to a fine powder to increase reactive surface area. 

  • Accurately weigh a predetermined amount (approx. 100mg) of the powdered sample and record the weight for TGA analysis. 

  • Place the weighed sample in the TGA instrument's sample holder and program the instrument to heat the sample within the portlandite dehydration temperature range (400-450°C), monitoring weight loss. 

  • Use the recorded weight loss data to calculate the percentage of portlandite based on the initial sample weight. 

  • Combine portlandite content data with carbonation depth measurements to assess the concrete's carbonation resistance. 

  • Use the analysis results to predict the concrete structure's durability regarding carbonation-induced degradation. 

  • Consider performing TGA on multiple samples from different parts of the structure for a comprehensive assessment. 

What equipment and expertise are required for Portlandite content testing? 

Equipment required includes: 

  • Coring equipment and a hammer for sample collection/preparation. 

  • Mortar and pestle or ball mill to powder cores for chemical analysis. 

  • A precise electronic scale capable of measuring to at least 0.001 gram for weighing the samples. 
  • A TGA test device including an IR furnace to heat the samples and the associated computer analysis software. 

Portlandite content testing requires significant lab skills and experience in not just carrying out TGA tests but analysing the complex data produced. This equipment and experience would only be available in specialised labs or academic institutions which may limit the applicability of this test for low budget or rural projects and the total amount of tests that can be carried out.

What are the advantages of Portlandite content testing? 
  • Precisely quantifies Ca(OH)2 (Portlandite) levels, providing insights into concrete's resistance to environmental deterioration and structural integrity. 

  • Gives empirical values for the level of carbonation encountered at various places in the same structure or across different facilities allowing visual representation of at risk areas and intelligent mitigation / repair strategies. 

  • TGA testing utilizes a rigorous methodology, offering highly precise measurements of weight changes in concrete samples, enabling accurate quantification of components. 

  • A small amount of materials is required for the test limiting the cost and time consumption of repair procedures and expanding the areas which can be sampled. 

What are the disadvantages of Portlandite content testing? 
  • TGA instruments are extremely costly to purchase, maintain and operate or rent the use of.  

  • Interpretation of TGA results requires a high degree of expertise in materials science and chemistry. For instance, distinguishing between weight loss due to portlandite decomposition and other overlapping thermal events, such as the dehydration of ettringite or the decomposition of carbonates, demands specialized knowledge. 

  • The accuracy of TGA results can be highly sensitive to the sample's preparation. Achieving a homogeneous, finely ground powder that accurately represents the bulk material can be challenging, particularly if the sample contains large aggregates or reinforcing materials. 

  • While TGA provides valuable quantitative data on component weight changes, it offers limited insights into the concrete's microstructural properties, such as pore size distribution or crack propagation.  

  • Some components within concrete may undergo irreversible changes or decompose at the high temperatures used in TGA, potentially altering the material's original chemical structure. This makes it challenging to correlate the findings directly to the material's behaviour in normal environmental conditions. 

  • A single TGA run, including sample preparation, heating, cooling, and analysis, can be time-consuming, limiting its practicality for rapid, testing in construction settings where quick decisions might be necessary. 

How accurate is Portlandite content testing? 

This testing can measure portlandite content with an accuracy of approximately 1 % but this value will vary significantly depending on the type and quality of equipment used and the skill of the operator. 

What are the limitations of Portlandite content testing? 

TGA testing offers valuable insights into concrete's chemical composition, such as portlandite content, crucial for assessing carbonation potential. However, it falls short in replicating concrete's exposure to real-world conditions like loading stresses and environmental degradation, limiting its predictive accuracy for long-term performance.  

Additionally, TGA's micro-scale analysis doesn't directly inform on macro-scale properties like structural integrity and durability, necessitating complementary tests for a full understanding. Despite these limitations, integrating TGA within a broader evaluation framework enhances concrete material development and assessment 

Ancillary information 

Maturity of test: > 10 years 

Qualification & interpretation : Specialised lab 

Service disruption: No 

Preliminary works: Yes 

Time consumption     Medium (one day) 

Cost                        Medium 

Access to element 1 face 

References and further information 

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